Saturday, May 23, 2015

Beautiful Creatures (Quote 1)

I almost agree with this movie line. Where I disagree is that all humans don't only consume & destroy this planet. There are lots of people who are doing a lot of good work; working for the humanity & the planet. Only problem is that their actions / work is like taking 1 step forward in the right direction & then, far more influential people wage a war against another country, & in the process, taking 5 steps backward. That's why, the world is slowly inching towards a world-wide catastrophic disaster.
Another point, which I disagree with (but atheists would love it), is that ideas like God are not invented out of thin air. And when leaders & elites use those ideas (God, righteousness etc.) to go to war with people who seem to disagree with them, it's not because one group thinks it's correct about its God & other isn't.
Leaders & elites use those sacred ideas to drive their public towards the war. The real objective of the war / fight is nothing to do religion. It's all to do with personal agendas of the leaders & the elites. For instance, the Crusades had nothing to do with religion but the Catholic Church wanted to capture lands & war booty from Italy to all the way to Jerusalem. Current wars are more to do with military-industrial complex, control over the resources (oil, gas, rare minerals etc.), & to basically show to the world, who has the biggest stick in the world. Nothing to do with restoring human rights, women rights, democracy, freedom etc.
IMDB          RottenTomatoes          Wikipedia

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