Friday, April 3, 2015

'Sugar Babies': Students turning to dating websites for university fees

Where are all those feminists when you need one?
So, the West fought, & still fighting, for equal rights for women, & the new generation for women, in the West & in East (e.g. it happens in Pakistan, UAE, India etc too), opts for selling their bodies.
There was a time when the word, "Prostitution," used to conjure up images of dark alleys, seedy motels, poor & abused women servicing several men a day. That still happens & sexual slavery & human trafficking thrives on that (as I have blogged previously on that topic). But, now, well-off women are also getting into the glamourized industry of prostitution. There are several stories of young, bright girls leaving their jobs on Wall Street for Porn industry.
Now, girls have found a seemingly easier way to enjoy their lives. They get almost free, if not completely free, education, fulfill their needs for a companion by selling themselves to a rich guy, & get a taste of the high life.
But several questions arises from this phenomenon:

1. Do these girls delay their graduation, just so they keep enjoying the luxurious life?

2. How do these girls adjust their lifestyle after graduation? (they have gotten a taste of that luxurious life, after all).

3. Can these girls ever get satisfaction from a guy, of their own age, who may like to have a relationship with them? What if he can't provide the same luxurious amenities of life their sugar daddy provided them while they were a student?

My thoughts / answers:

1. These girls may never "graduate" from their student stage of life. They are getting everything they need or want, so why ever graduate. Delay one degree for as long as possible. If graduation does take place, then enroll yourself in another degree ... all the way up to PhD.
2. Far more important, I think these girls won't be able to adjust back, or dial down, to "normal" lifestyle where they have to work hard in their jobs or build a career. Either, they will leave that job & go into escort business or try to get to the top of the corporate ladder through "other" means, which in turn, brings the scorn of other women & men who are indeed working hard to build their careers.
3. In their personal lives, these women will again suffer in building & maintaining a relationship, because they've gotten a taste of the luxurious life & getting what they need just by using their bodies. A marriageable guy of their own age, who most likely, will not be able to provide them those luxuries they got used to, will be flatly rejected by these women & they will keep waiting for that "knight in the shining armour" who can provide them with those luxuries. Or they may again turn to escort business to fund that lifestyle for themselves (point 2 above).
It further creates one more problem in the society. It creates a beauty competition. Girls who are beautiful or look like models will, of course, get to the top of the pile, on both professional & personal levels. Girls, who are not considered beautiful (due to factors like weight, skin colour, perhaps, a disability) will be left behind in the race. Intelligence won't be a factor at all in this race. Winner will be determined solely on her physical appearance.
And that's what Islam protected women, men, & the whole society from. Be it political leaders, like Mr. Harper of Canada, or simpletons, like Mr. Joe & Jane Sixpacks on main street, they are all anti-hijab, or at least highly skeptical of it, but they don't understand how hijabs & niqabs protect women, & essentially, the whole society, into awarding & rating women on merely their physical attributes & forgetting that these women also have intellectual abilities. As I blogged previously, hijabs & niqabs force men to interact with women with their minds, instead of their bodies. As far as rights are concerned, Islam gives women full rights to voting, education, property & business ownership, & yeah, driving a car, too.
So, isn't that what Western feminists wanted all along that society interacting with women's minds & not their bodies? Perhaps, that's why, women in the West are also converting to Islam after conducting their own research & taking up hijabs & niqabs (if you don't believe me, do a Youtube search of your own).

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