Thursday, February 12, 2015

UNC Shooting & Western Media Bigotry

Frankly, I'm surprised by the reaction that American & Western media didn't give this story enough airtime. What were you expecting? That American & Western media is biased & fair. Heck, most of the public in Western countries isn't even unbiased & fair. By nature, humans are not supposed to be unbiased. We are not robots, after all. Media gives what the public wants. Public doesn't care if 3 Muslims were killed. Looking at the Facebook comments to this Al-Jazeera story, it seems quite a few are saddened by the fact that more weren't killed (& btw, they are not trolls since these comments are not anonymous).

If you are still thinking that the West is fair & unbiased, then sir / madam, you are living a fool's dream.
All of the West is suffering from dire economic situation. When economy suffers & people lose jobs in droves, they like to take their anger / frustration out on someone. They turn to anyone who is different from them; religion, language, race etc.
Although, I may sound like a broken record, I'll say it again that time is coming that if a person appears to be a Muslim from his/her name or appearance (hijab etc), then he/she will be in fear of his/her life, all the time. After all, movie "American Sniper" blatantly stoked the hatred for Muslims & Arabs, in particular, & it is going to win several Oscars for it. It has already earned $350M USD in box office. Evidently, millions & millions of Americans loved the movie. Now, all that rage needs a release valve & authorities will try to spin these kinds of stories as "not a hate crime".
This atheist guy did what others are only thinking. If you remove the shackles of American / Western judicial system, then you will truly see the depravity of the public. Authorities are spinning this story as "not a hate crime" to reduce the sentence this guy can get. Regardless, be thankful that he is still in custody & will get punished, whatever that punishment might be, & forget about the biased Western media. Shouting about the biases won't make the media (& Western public) any less biased, esp. since they are falling on deaf ears.
We can ostracise this double-standard as much as we like & even feel like that we are achieving something in this fight, but we Muslims don't own the media. Our efforts will change the minds of 100 people around us. The media will turn the public against us in 1000s in one instant.
We, Muslims, are 2nd-class citizens in these Western, Judeo-Christian countries. Regardless of our birthplace (in the West or in the East), if our appearance or habits or culture (not drinking alcoholic beverages, dating etc) are different from the majority around us, then we are 2nd-class citizens. In every walk of life, we are treated as such. It doesn't matter how much education or work experience or whatever else you can achieve in these countries, that second-class status ain't going away, until or unless, we change our religion. Are you ready to take that step? If not, then accept what's given to you. Slavery may have ended but it never ended, actually. It has just taken a different form.

Even slavery ended because African-Americans got united under one banner. We, Muslims, are all over the place. Many Muslim sisters shun the hijab like the plague, & instead, prefer mini-skirts, clubbing, drinking, & dating. So, why would non-Muslims in the West respect a hijabi sister over that partying sister? We ourselves are not united for any cause & we are ostracizing another country's media while residing in that country.

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