Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Atheism & Religion

So, as you may have already come across this news story today, what I had an issue with this incident was an atheist killing 3 Muslim student. He may have gotten the inspiration from movie, "American Sniper." (just like killers in France got the inspiration from Yemeni branch of Al-Q**da) & as I have said earlier, these killings, abuses, & harassments etc are just the start right now in the West.
Besides, the obvious lack of media coverage of this incident in the West (hey, after all, a red-blooded, beer-drinking, American killed 3 Arabs who must be plotting some nefarious scheme against US), his religion cannot be blamed in this incident, because he was an atheist.
Ironically, don't atheists always harp on their own misguided opinion that religion is the root problem of all evils in this world. Their argument is as hollow as guns are the source of killings (& people have no responsibility in any and all deaths occurring around the world ... I guess, judges should be sentencing guns & not people) or smartphones & social media are the causes of an increase in child abuse by predators or movie making tools are the causes of the rise in pornographic movie productions & consequently, the subjugation & exploitation of girls, as young as little kids.
Be it religion or guns or smartphones / internet or movie making tools (movie camera, movie editing software etc), these are all mere tools or ways & means. At the center of all of these are the actions of a human.
Yes, that may sound like NRA's defence that guns don't kill people, but people do, but it's true. A tool is just a tool. You can destroy the world with it or create something beautiful with it. You can kill people with a bomb or use it to bore holes in the ground to make a tunnel. You can use smartphone to keep yourself updated what's going on in the world & learn new things or do sexchat. You can use movie making tools to make porn (the best, recession-proof, business on the internet) or make videos for the Animal Planet & learn something new.

Similar to these tools, you can use religion to kill people & incite hatred or learn to be a better human. Religion was used by:

1. Christian Kings to get poor people under their kingdoms to wage wars, labelled as Crusades, to loot & plunder the Middle East & essentially, amass wealth for themselves. Crusades had nothing to do with Christianity.
2. Zionists use Judaism as an excuse to extract more land from Palestinians for themselves (all Zionists can be Jews but not all Jews are Zionists).
3. Hindus killed innocent Muslims (Gujarat incidents) in the name of religion (how many said Hinduism is inherently violent religion at the time?) at the incitement of political figures (Narender Modi, the current Prime Minister, was the provincial governor at the time) to gain votes / favours from far-right, nationalist minority, but Hinduism, itself, as a religion has nothing to do with violence.
4. ISIS can use Islam as an excuse to kill humanitarian workers & burn people alive. Religion has nothing to do with these incidents. After all, we all know ISIS is playing to the sensitivities of violent individuals around the World who are readily accepting Islam, just so they can go to Middle East & kill people (since they can't do that anywhere else, since they will / can be caught & prosecuted).
People, regardless of religion, ethnicity, cultural, or language, need to be given proper training & development in their lives. Just like we all need proper training & development to perform well in our jobs or careers, we all need proper & correct study of religion (whatever or whichever religion that may be) to become a better human. Religion is not the problem of all evils in this world but people themselves are. Current world has shunned the religion & let the hordes of "untrained" people out on the world. Everyone is feeling ready to do whatever they want to do to anyone else, disregarding any and all basic humanity. And when it is blame time of why that hideous crime was done, religion gets the finger. After all, religion can't defend itself now, can it???


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