Monday, February 23, 2015

Innovations in Weapons but minimal innovations for Humanity

Why is it that most innovations are taken on by military-affiliated government agencies & companies? Why is it that our tax $$$ are used for innovating new weapons in killing others & spreading more death & destruction?
For instance, internal combustion engines (in motor vehicles) are such a stale & old idea that a few $$$ in R&D would've gotten us cars driven by alternative powers ... 30 years ago. Heck, GM made the EV1 (first working electric car) 20 years ago. Alternative sources of power isn't some new & novel idea.
Take any facet of our lives; healthcare, pharma, food, alternative power, transportation etc; innovations in these areas are miniscule when compared to the available finances & technology being developed to kill & injure others.
How can we even hope for peace when we ourselves, as public, let our gov'ts, around the world, use our tax $$$ to finance wars & spread chaos, instead of directing those precious $$$ towards building technology & related processes to improve humanity?

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