Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Promised Land

When stakes are big for companies or gov'ts, they let the people think that they are in control through their votes but ultimately, they (companies, gov'ts) themselves are controlling the outcome, by any means necessary.
IMDB        RottenTomatoes          Wikipedia

American Sniper earning $250M in 2 weeks

Ironic how an islamophobic, war-glorifying, & hate-mongering movie has already earned $250M USD (budget: $60M) in 2 weeks of its opening, whereas, other war-related movies, e.g. Robert Redford's "Lions for Lambs", with its message of how wars are destructive for American youths & future generations, made just $63M at the box office (budget: $35M) or Paul Haggis' "In the Valley of Elah," with its similar message as "Lions for Lambs", made only $30M at box office (budget: $23M).

So, the movie which is glorifying war & fanning the flames of islamophobia & xenophobia is being loved by American audiences. It earning so much in just 2 weeks of its opening in American theatres shows the amount of hatred & prejudice in the general public. Yes, there are non-violent, peace-loving, war-opposing Americans, too, but they obviously are in much fewer numbers than their counterparts in the other camp.

The only barrier which is saving the lives of Muslims, & in general, Arabs, in US, is the fear of arrest & prosecution of the perpetrators by the American justice system. If, however, someone thinks they can get away with an assault against a Muslim, then they have no reason to hold themselves back.


Monday, January 26, 2015

American Sniper stoking Anti-Muslim threats

This is just the start. European xenophobia & islamophobia are going to spread all over North America in the next few years, due to worsening economic conditions all over North America.

As long as economy is humming along nicely, nobody cares. As soon as economy starts to falter, xenophobia sentiment starts creeping in society. This time around economy is taking a long time to recover & still no sign that it will recover soon or will even recover back to pre-2008 levels.

The ...longer it takes to recover, more time xenophobic & islamophobic sentiments have, to firmly take root in society & uprooting those later will be extremely hard. It's going to get a lot worse before it becomes better (assuming it does become better).

Cloud Atlas (a great movie)

IMDB        RottenTomatoes        Wikipedia

Voltaire on Rich & Poor

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Proper News Headline for Jewish backpackers getting attacked

Proper, Unbiased headline should be:
Group of Jewish backpackers tortured for hours in Argentinian hostel by local Christian anti-Semites

Alcoholism: Social & Personal (biological) Poison

I watched 2 movies in succession in the past week & coincidentally both on alcoholism.

One thing I don't understand how people all over the world (esp. in Western countries) willingly & happily ingest this poison (scientifically proven that alcohol is a poison). Besides being a biological poison for your own body, it's also a social poison where it creates problems (family breakdown, assaults, drunk driving deaths causing grief for another family too). But still, alcohol is the central to everything is done in the Western world, from professional (e.g. wine & cheese networking) to personal.

Frankly, it seems that people who don't drink are much more resilient & bold. They face problems without drowning themselves in booze. They don't wait for booze to lower their inhibitions to do something.


American tweets about Muslims

Some "wonderful" tweets from American viewers of "American Sniper" ... thoughts of the "civilized" West

Monday, January 19, 2015

Jewish newspaper removes women from Paris march

Imagine the outrage in media & the world, if this would've been done by an orthodox Islamic newspaper & expect a minor mention in BBC, this is not reported in North American or European media



Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pakistan & Hypocrisy

Pakistan's actions are no different from Israel's, USA's, Russia's, or China's. They all bomb "those other people" under the blanket banner of terrorism. But, we protest what Israel does to Gazans even though, our (Muslims, Pakistanis) actions are no different.

Think Before You Act

Power of social media: an American kid is resurrected in Peshawar, Pakistan school attack.
Problem: people sharing these images like zombies; Think before you Act.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Society & Truth

This is the problem what the world is currently going through ... people who speak the truth are marginalized

Purpose of this blog

I got the inspiration for this blog from my wife. After meeting several people during past 13 years (during my adulthood), I came to realize that I should have one place in my life where I can record (or dump) what's swimming in my head; thoughts & opinions regarding general social events happening around me and the world.

I love to share what I read; articles on current affairs, sports, business, and general. But, instead of forcing them on my friends & family through my personal Facebook wall, why don't I simply dump them in a separate place and link to them, if and when I really like to share them, on Facebook & Twitter. This may also help me in spreading my message to a wider group of people than my friends and family.